Making the DRS manual take back, less manual.
A solution by
In partnership with
Are you selling drinks in Scotland?
The DRS is coming to Scotland in less than 12 months.
Every retailer will have to become a Return Point Operator (RPO) and accept single-use, recyclable containers while refunding 20p deposits to consumers in cash!
The Manual Take Back isn't easy to run; it's time-consuming, reliant on cash, difficult to manage, and has the potential to leave you out of pocket.
One complete solution for the Manual Take Back.
We use digital payments to refund the 20p directly to the consumer’s debit card.
We’re launching our solution to handle your registration, money flow and manage deposit refunds directly back to the consumer’s debit card.
There’s no cash out of your till and the handling fee will go straight into your bank account for every eligible bottle you accept.
No cash exchanges, fraud or financial risk for you.
How does it work?
Join our Reverse Checkout® programme
Easy set up
Become an RPO and join the scheme without the financial risk
No cash returns
No cash returns means no financial exposure and financial responsibility for the retailers
Smooth cashflow
You are not out of pocket until the handling fee is calculated and paid
Save time
Our digital payouts mean faster checkouts and less queues at your till
Better management
Larger retailers, Integrate the manual take back with your Reverse vending machines
One financial platform
The handling fee is paid straight into your bank account by us
Register for more information
The solution works for
Convenience stores
Coffee shops
Universities campuses
Shopping centres
Tourist venues
Sports/gym or social club
Please register and our team will get in touch.
HELPFUL is the trading name of HELPFUL Limited, a company registered and incorporated in England and Wales, company registration number 10663300.
HELPFUL Limited is registered as a Data Processor under the ICO: ZA906193.
Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
The HELPFUL Debit Mastercard is issued by PayrNet Ltd pursuant to license by Mastercard International Inc. PayrNet Ltd is authorised by Financial Conduct Authority to conduct electronic money service activities under the Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (Ref: 900594) PayrNet Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Railsbank Technology Limited and provides regulated financial services to Railsbank customers.
Reverse Checkout® is a registered trademark of HELPFUL Limited
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